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Reunião com representantes da autoridade central norte-americana, US Department of Justice, sobre cooperação judiciária internacional em matéria penal
A meeting with representatives of the US Central Authority, the US Department of Justice, was held at the Office of the Prosecutor Generals’ Office, for bilateral consultations on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters.During the...
Se celebra hoy, en Eurojust, la reunión de lanzamiento de la European Judicial Cybercrime Network.Esta red, en la que está representado el Ministerio Público de Portugal, reúne a representantes de los Ministerios Públicos (en algunos casos,...
It is taking place today, at Eurojust, the launching meeting of the European Judicial Cybercrime Network.This network, in which the Public Prosecution Service of Portugal is represented, brings together representatives of the Public Prosecutors'...
Reunida el día de hoy en Lisboa, la Asamblea General de la AIAMP (Asociación Ibero Americana de Ministerios Públicos) aprobó la creación de CiberRede / CiberRed, red de Ministerios Públicos y Fiscales especializados en ciberdelito.Se pretende con...
Gathered today, in Lisbon, the General Assembly of AIAMP (Associação Ibero Americana de Ministérios Públicos / Ibero-American Association of Public Prosecutors) approved the establishment of CiberRede / CiberRed, a network...
