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Webinar "Olhos nas redes – abusos: prevenir e denunciar! Educar para a Cidadania com Afetos"

Organized by the Directorate of Educational Project Services, of the Directorate-General for Education (DGE), the webinar "Eyes on the networks – abuses: prevent and report!

Relatório Cibersegurança em Portugal

The 2022 edition of the Relatório Cibersegurança em Portugal (Cybersecurity Report in Portugal) is released, issued by ...

Campanha Nacional Internet Segura: #LerAntesClicarDepois

On the day that marks World Internet Day, and with the aim of reinforcing information on the good use of cyberspace, the “Campanha Nacional Internet Segura” (National Safe Internet Campaign) is announced: #LerAntesClicarDepois (read before you...

A report was published by the Cybersecurity Observatory of the National Cybersecurity Center, which surveys and systematizes...

European Judicial Cybercrime Network – Newsletter

Number 3 of the Newsletter of the European Judicial Network Cybercrime is released.

Relatório ENISA 2021 – Cibercrime e Ciber Ameaças

The most recent edition of the Threat Landscape 2021 report is released, published by...
