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Cybercrimes (portuguese only)




June 5

Cybercrime Warning: Scams – False Debts to the Tax Authority (Autoridade Tributária)


March 12

“Phishing” – access to bank accounts (Caixa Geral de Depósitos)




November 16

“Phishing” - credit card data (Caixa Geral de Depósitos)


October 2

“Phishing” – Banco Wizink Credit Cards


September 18

Cybercrime Warning: “Theft” of accounts


August 18

Cybercrime Warning: Fake Police Calls

July 12

Cybercrime warning: renting scams (holiday houses, students, foreigners)


July 5

“Phishing” - credit card data (abuse of the image of CTT)


July 3

"Phishing" - Universo Credit Card


May 11

Cybercrime Warning: Scams – “purchases via carrier agent”


May 3

Cybercrime Warning: Scams – “hello mum, hello dad”


March 23

Cybercrime Warning: Scams – False Debts to EDP


January 27

Cybercrime Warning: Scams in “online working”




October 10

“Phishing” - credit cards data (abuse of the image of Via Verde)


September 29

“Phishing” - credit cards data (abuse of the image of Autoridade Tributária)


August 30

Fake Police Notifications


January 13

Phishing – Banks




November 3

Fake Microsoft Phone Calls


September 29

Phishing - Novobanco


September 27

Phishing - credit card data


August 12

Phishing - credit card data


May 2

Fraud in the cryptocurrency and forex markets


March 25

Phishing - credit card data


February 11

Extortion by Email


  May 19

Cybercrime warning: “Phishing” - EDP


April 14

Fraudulent messages (email and SMS)


April 07

Fraudulent use of the MB WAY App


March 17

Phishing -Millenium BCP bank


March 16

Phishing - Credit cards


March 13

Phishing - Crédito Agrícola bank


February 14

Fake Microsoft Phone Calls


February 13

Phishing - Outlook Web App



December 10

Phishing - Serviço de Webmail SAPO


October 7

Phishing - Montepio Geral


September 23

Phishing - Novo Banco


September 6

Phishing - Outlook Web App


July 2

Phishing - Email passwords


January 23

Extortion by email



December 19

Phishing - Netflix


December 06

Phishing - Millenium BCP


October 26

E-mail passwords (SapoTransfer)


October 25

The 9 most frequent crimes - Europol (in english)


October 26

Phishing Paypal


September 27

Phishing - Crédito Agrícola


May 24

Ransomware - Stalin Locker



December 11

Phishing - Apple accounts


September 2

Phishing aimed at customers of Millenium BCP


July 13

Phishing aimed at customers of Montepio Geral


June 29

Phishing aimed at customers of Montepio Geral