About us

The Office for Coordination of the Prosecution Service Activities on matters of Cybercrime (Cybercrime Office) is headquartered at the Prosecutor General's Office, from which it directly depends. Its general scope is the internal coordination within the Prosecution Service in this crime field, the specific training therein and the generic establishment of communication channels with internet service providers with a view to facilitate their collaboration within criminal investigation cases. 

The Office was created in 7 December 2011 by Order of the Prosecutor General. It is led by a District Prosecutor (Procurador da República). 

The Cybercrime Office established a network of contact points throughout the national territory (at least one prosecutor in each of the judicial counties (Comarcas). Each contact point is responsible for establishing the communication between the Cybercrime Office and the other colleagues of his Comarca, on the one side, sharing the discussions on issues of cybercrime and obtaining digital evidence that may arise in concrete cases; on the other side, s/he is also responsible for sharing the outcome of discussions within the meetings of the contact points. 

In some Comarcas, the position of contact point is assigned to prosecutors who are also responsible for the direction of criminal investigations on cybercrime: crimes described under the Cybercrime Law and computer frauds and scams, as well as for investigations where particular and complex requirements must be met for purposes of obtaining digital evidence and particularly complex investigations with recourse to information technologies. In the other Comarcas, contact points are also specialised prosecutors in this field or, at least, they are prosecutors with particular skills in this field, thus representing an embryo of a future specialization.


Pedro Verdelho

O Diretor: Pedro Verdelho, Procurador-Geral-Adjunto