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The ROAR project

10 May 2021
Projeto ROAR: proteger, capacitar e cuidar das vítimas de cibercrime

The ROAR project as now came to an end. This project was led by APAV, the Portuguese Victims Support Association, with the active participation of the Prosecutor General's Office and other Portuguese and foreign partners. During the execution of the project, thematic workshops were held for security forces and judicial authorities, with the aim of drawing attention to the problem of cybercrime and the need to protect its victims.

With the objective of training and sensitizing potential victims of cybercrimes, the pedagogical aspect of the project carried out training sessions for children and young people, with the distribution of informative materials.

As a result of all these actions a manual of procedures was adopted, to assist the support of victims of cybercrime, in addition to a set of recommendations to help and facilitate the fieldwork.

Further information can be found here